Cardlytics ($CDLX): Current Offers and Advertisers as of 8.21.2023 (Research Note #188)
Data, statistics, and screenshots of CDLX offers and advertisers as of of today.
Market Cap as of 8.21.2023: ~$13.20 / Share x 37.7 Shares ~ $498M Market Cap.
(#188) 8.21.2023: Current Offers and Advertisers as of 8.21.2023
Below you will find data, statistics, and screenshots of CDLX offers and advertisers as of of 8.21.2023, across Chase, BofA, Wells, and US Bank.
I created this for my own benefit, but I thought others would find value out of it as well (especially as I continue to add and track data over time, and provide additional insights and commentary).
This information is included with the CDLX Research Notes for no additional cost for current paid subscriptions.
My plan is to update this on an ongoing basis, for the list of reasons below.
The purpose of this post is to:
Track current offers and advertisers, as well as their amount of $ or % cash back
Track and identify new offers and advertisers
Track top advertisers
Track number of unique advertisers
Track max and average cash-back % and $
Track and identify changes to the new user experience across all major banks
Identify new offer constructs (like product-level offers)
Identify changes in images and offer formats (by including images of each offer below)
Identify differences in number of offers by bank and usage (based on previous dollars redeemed + if primary card used for spending)
To capture the above information, below you will find:
Statistics by Bank Account: New UI Status / $’s Redeemed / Number of Offers in Total and by Category
List of Advertisers ($ / % Amounts by Bank Account)
Max and Average Cash-Back % and $
Total Offers by Category
Number of Unique Advertisers by Category
Top Advertisers
Observed New Features and Offer Constructs
Screenshots of User Experiences and Offers
The following includes data and images from Chase, BofA, Wells, and US Bank.