Amazon Liquidity and Cash Burn Concerns in Early 2000s (General Research Notes #3)
Notes regarding investors fear of Amazon's liquidity and cash burn in the early 2000s, as well as Bill Miller's corresponding investment.
Fears of Bankruptcy (Liquidity and Cash Burn Concerns in Early 2000s)
One purpose of this specific set of Research Notes is to look at the past of companies to help draw conclusions for other businesses and investments today (or at least have a better idea of what could occur or is likely to occur).
While thinking through a current investment, I knew Amazon went through a similar situation, regarding the fear of bankruptcy and their ability to be profitable. The following are some of the related notes with Amazon in the early 2000s.
The most important notes here are at the end, related to Bill Miller’s investment in Amazon at this time. I have it at the end since it is more helpful to first quickly cover some background information.
(To read more quickly, I have bolded the more important information)