Portfolio Updates

About Portfolio Updates in General

I was previously adding my buy / sell / hold decisions to my private notes on OneNote, but I thought it may be helpful to add these as a part of the Research Notes, given most of these decisions are a function of my research and the information I put out.

I believe this will also force me to think through my decisions a little harder and more concretely. Additionally, I can look back on these decisions to learn and improve.

I share my recent actions, the reasons, and a summary of my holdings and allocation of my investments over the last few months and up to today.

Recent Updates

“Portfolio Updates” are where I detail my current holdings and allocations, and reasoning behind recent buy / sell / hold decisions.

Below is the list of the most recent Portfolio Updates.

The links will take you to the corresponding email that was sent out.

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For more information on all the other Research Notes, see here.

Most Recent Updates:

NOTE: I have not provided a portfolio update since Nov 2023. Since then, I have made several buy and sell decisions, including related to changing my leverage. Therefore, the most recent portfolio update does not reflect my current positions or thoughts.

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